Eat, learn and live a better life with Chef Marcus and Jamie Guiliano, owners of the highly acclaimed Certified Green Restaurant Aroma Thyme Bistro. Marcus and Jamie share their years of marrying healthy food in the restaurant industry. Learn healthy food tips, making better food choices, picking wine and deciphering all the misleading food terms. They are truly restaurateurs broadcasting their passion.
Monday Jun 13, 2022
Supermarket Salmon Lawsuit
Monday Jun 13, 2022
Monday Jun 13, 2022
I know all the big grocery stores are misleading customers about farmed salmon. They love to claim it's sustainable. The bottom line is that it's all open pen net farmed in the ocean. There is no right way to do the wrong thing. Some experts say that Farmed Salmon is the most toxic food in the world. Even if you take some precautionary measures to improve the farming methods you're still dealing with a farming system that is broken beyond repair. The next time you see a sustainable rating for Farmed Salmon you need to understand that it's most likely a self-regulated term. It's the farm's version of marketing. And they do this very well. And the big grocery stores use this to pretend the fish is OK. Aldi's is facing a class-action lawsuit for their sustainable label on farmed salmon. I feel all grocery stores that make this claim should face a class-action lawsuit.
Sunday May 29, 2022
How To Find The Healthiest Olive Oil
Sunday May 29, 2022
Sunday May 29, 2022
All fat is not created equal! We've heard that over and over. And of course olive oil is touted as one of the best fats for our health. But not all olive oil is the same either. And I'm talking about Extra Virgin Olive Oil. There is a vast difference in the nutritional value of EVOO's. Just like blueberries, chocolate and wine. Join me for this Chef on a Mission Radio episode #87.
Friday May 20, 2022
Does Wine Age - Top 11 Questions About Aging Wine
Friday May 20, 2022
Friday May 20, 2022
There's always confusion about aging wine. What wine specifically and how to actually age wine that will age. Believe it or not, only around 5% of wine producers are meant to age, to begin with. Certain wines age a couple of years without going bad and without improving. Certain wines need 5+ years to enjoy. And then certain wines are meant to drink as soon as you take them off the shelf at the store. I'll answer the top 11 questions about aging wine in this episode.
Thursday May 19, 2022
Tequila Vs Mezcal 101
Thursday May 19, 2022
Thursday May 19, 2022
Sometimes mezcal and tequila can be confusing. That's because all tequila is Mezcal, but not all Mezcal is tequila. Does that make sense? It's similar to whiskey. Whiskey would be the umbrella category that bourbon, rye, Irish whiskey, blended scotch and single malt would fall under. Well mezcal is the umbrella term in Mexico. But it goes far beyond that. Enjoy the show.
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Fast Like Asparagus
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Fast growing and fast cooking! Did you know asparagus can grow 6 inches a day and literally takes 10 seconds to cook. And there's lots more cool fun facts about this ancient swamp grass.
Thursday May 12, 2022
Tequila & Margarita 101
Thursday May 12, 2022
Thursday May 12, 2022
Everything you need to know about a margarita and the Tequila that goes into it. Margaritas are a simple recipe that is often over complicated. In many cases restaurants are serving a margarita that does not even resemble the original version. I'll talk about all of the extra added fillers in Margaritas that you want to avoid. And of course the quality of tequila makes a big difference. Cheers!
Saturday May 07, 2022
What’s in the Pickle
Saturday May 07, 2022
Saturday May 07, 2022
Pickles appear to be a simple process. Take cucumber, water, vinegar and spices and there you have it. But, American processors have to make it more complex. Besides those basic ingredients there are a good hand full more that you would never have in your home kitchen. Those would be chemicals preservatives. Pickles are loaded with them and would never think. The good news is all pickles aren't the same. In this episode I'll fill you in on what and how to buy a better pickle. Enjoy
Sunday Mar 27, 2022
Salmon Farms Are Getting Very Deceptive
Sunday Mar 27, 2022
Sunday Mar 27, 2022
A recent menu read Wild Isles Salmon. The server assured me that was real wild salmon. I told him not so fast, where is it from. Atlantic Coast of Canada was the answer. Now I know it's not wild at all. So he sends the chef over. And the chef knows it's not wild. But the actual farm name is “Wild Isles Salmon”. As a consumer I'm upset. Here is a farm that has taken it to the next level in deceptive marketing. And it's not acceptable.
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
The Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice as a Beverage
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
If you're suffering from poor digestion, sunburns, rashes, greasy hair And so on this episode is for you! Today I'm going to jump into the benefits of aloe vera for topical use and for consumable use. Please understand that aloe vera for topical use and consumption are two totally different products. If you're going to consume aloe vera like I do you must buy the consumable version. Aloe vera has a 4000-year history of use for health and beauty. And it has more benefits than most people know. And yes, you can drink aloe vera juice. And it is amazing for your digestion.
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Have You Heard Of This Healthy Water
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Everybody knows how important it is to drink water. It's no secret that the bottled water industry has a massive market. But water has extended definitions now. Or we're drinking things that aren't considered traditional water. For example, coconut water. Well, it's sort of water. But it's not water in the traditional definition of H20. And yes, coconut water does have some amazing benefits. But in this episode, I'm going to talk about another plant water. It's probably water you haven't heard of yet. And that is maple water. Maple water is the exact same stuff that makes maple syrup. However, it's in its whole natural form before it's reduced to its syrup consistency. You might be asking yourself what kind of benefits does tree water has. Well, let's jump into the episode.